Everything is going great for you now and your relationship is good

Everything is going great for you now and your relationship is good

yohhh everything you’ve said is exactly what my guy is doing!! everything. what surprises me is that why is still telling me that we gonna fix things and still want have sex with me. I asked him if he’s sure that we still moving ahead by fixing our relationship and he said he’s gonna think about it.. what could be the problem exactly?

I came home to see him on my break from school and we spent a whole week together and one night he told me he loved me

I have been with my boyfriend for almost 4 yrs off and on. We live together and he also has a freeloader friend who lives here that he spends all his time with and communicates with more than me. He has been gambling and drinking since his friend has lived here. I told him off because I was hurt from his behavior. I apologize to him for my words he just ignored me. And he has been sleeping on the couch. It’s like his friend is his anchor. I don’t know what to do. I’m tired of stress and crying

I asked him to his face if he doesn’t love me or like me anymore to tell me so I can move out his response was don’t talk to him right now

The drinking and gambling implies that he suffers from depression, and yes, his friend is his anchor right now. None of this should be taken personally by you. It has nothing to do with you. He is not mentally well right now. The question here is what’s right for you in this situation. Can you accept him the way he is? Do you have patience to wait until he is better? elitesingles mobile site Can you focus on the good in him? If the answers are yes than stay with him, without asking questions r demanding anything. If your inner voice says you can’t accept him, than move on. Continuer la lecture de « Everything is going great for you now and your relationship is good »